"I was tired of hating people so much, you know..."

I hate when people make their own opinions about something they don´t even know. Like famous celebrities, i mean im not a big hollywood fan o something like that, but its disgusting to hear them talk about other people they didn't actually meet. Things like "oh yes, britney must be very nice and easy" fuck you asshole, i mean you don't know her maybe she's a crazy bitch and you are talking shit.
"I feel that, somehow, this society has lost its sense of what art is. Art is expression. In the expression you need a full 100% freedom and our freedom to express our art is being seriously fucked up."(kurt cobain).
And people seems to be getting more and more stupid every day you know...teenagers don't care about music like others generations used to and the only thing they ever talk about is sex, drugs and dumb stuff like that. Rock and roll, nowadays, is the "easy way" of getting laid and fit in a group, these kids are like small sects with it's own members...it's fucking retarded. I don't want to be the popular girl nor the regular geek, but the one who's just standing there doing nothing. I really hate people that much, and i can't do nothing about it. It's a little superficial i mean these people may be like these because of there own fucked-up lifes and who am i to jugde them you know. I'm really tired of criticizing people all the time. My friends see me as the one who would come to school with a AK-47 and kill anyone who passes by, and i truly believe i could you know, I firmly believe in revenge.
I'm not the bitter person you're getting right know, actually i enjoy myself and most of the times im having a good time, don't necessarily have to smile to be happy.